Spanje verkoopcijfers, aan niet Spanjaarden, 2e kwartaal 2019
In de eerste plaats zien we nog steeds overwegend positieve signalen op de internationale woningmarkt met verkopen aan buitenlandse kopers die 17% van de totale Spaanse vastgoedverkopen vertegenwoordigen. Zeer in lijn met de afgelopen jaren. En hoewel de cijfers licht gedaald zijn met 2% op jaarbasis, is er een lichte stijging ten opzichte van het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar, met 25.542 Spaanse verkopen aan internationale kopers in het tweede kwartaal.
Video Games Playing With Imagination
One of the most important parts of any healthy lifestyle, though, is a willingness to learn
from those who’ve already been around for a bit. It seems like a good place to start. You
might notice there’s a bit of a variety, almost as if one lifestyle doesn’t fit all.
15 Tips To Increase Your Adwords Profits
One of the most important parts of any healthy lifestyle, though, is a willingness to learn
from those who’ve already been around for a bit. It seems like a good place to start. You
might notice there’s a bit of a variety, almost as if one lifestyle doesn’t fit all.
Protective Preventative Maintenance
One of the most important parts of any healthy lifestyle, though, is a willingness to learn
from those who’ve already been around for a bit. It seems like a good place to start. You
might notice there’s a bit of a variety, almost as if one lifestyle doesn’t fit all.